La Maison des Alpages

In a unique environment in France, for everyone, a special exhibition on the men who have shaped the mountain yesterday to make it what it is today and for the rest it tomorrow.


The House of Departmental Pastures is located in Besse en Oisans town that has the largest alpine department: the Emparis plateau, which stretches over 2,900 hectares. These pastures, by their history, their evolution and the fact that they are still active, are a breeding ground for linking actors that pastoralism with public visitors to the mountain.

Its mission:

Home pastures is an association law 1901 whose mission is to lead, communicate, inform on these traditional activities such as pastoralism and transhumance en Oisans, but also in France and around the world. MDA is twinned with breeders of Saint Louis, Senegal. It works with a permanent employee, seasonal interns and a team of volunteers.

The action of the MDA responds to a real public demand: the need to rediscover the production and traditional know-how, want to know the social and cultural realities of the past, the need to find concrete and palpable marks in a society mutation where universal and immaterial take over, waiting for authenticity and sincerity …

To do:

Inside, the interactive museum space, interactive exhibits, meetings with professionals, the library and the library will inform you about the different techniques, know-how and representations of the pastoral world.

There are cycles of education and training for professionals and academics, and the possibility of renting a fully equipped conference room.

Outside, the readings of landscapes, architectural and geological heritage outings pastures to meet the shepherds and their flocks, the presentation of the work of dogs, village tours and mountain chalets will go live this reality.

Through these activities, the public addresses the themes of pastoralism, agriculture mountain scenery management in its traditional and modern forms, in France and the world.

For what audience?

  • School, schools, colleges, school trips, holiday centers
  • Academics
  • Organized groups, councils, inter-age universities, coach, associations
  • Professional training of pastoralism
  • The tourist public
  • Scholarly and cultural societies